Use "diabase|diabases" in a sentence

1. There are diabase, basaltic, porphyritic, and other types of Amygdaloids

2. Produced, let that be basalt, diabase, Andesyte or any other form, as the case may be

3. age (“Diabase-Hornstein Formation”) and are unconformably overlain by coarse-grained clastic sediments of Tithonian age.

4. The six diabase sites yielded a north pole at 67°E, 3°S, dm = 15, dp = 11.

5. …of the surviving 45 original Bluestones of Stonehenge are of spotted dolerite (also called diabase) from southwest Wales, specifically the Preseli Mountains

6. Baldpate is part of the Greater Sourland Mountain Ecosystem, a high area formed by erosion resistant diabase after the softer surrounding rocks eroded away.

7. The term “amygdaloid” refers to the texture of the effusive rock regardless of its mineral composition. There are diabase, basaltic, porphyritic, and other types of Amygdaloids

8. A strong synclinal fold traverses Eday and Shapinsay, the axis being North and South. Near Haco's Ness in Shapinsay there is a small exposure of amygdaloidal diabase , which is (of course) older than that on Hoy.

9. Achirite Dioptase Adamantine Spar Silky brown sapphire Adinol A silicified porphyry or diabase Aeroides Pale sky-blue aquamarine Agaphite Vitreous variety of Persian turquoise Agstein Jet Alabaster, Oriental Calcite onyx Alalite Diopside Alaska black diamond Hematite Alaska jade Pectolite Alexandnte Sapphire Corundum Almandine spine!